Sunday, June 24, 2007

Overrated Item of the Day: Pretzels

I could live without them. They are completely useless to me except as a conduit for salt. So why don't I just eat salt? At least salt won't make me quite as unnecessarily thirsty as pretzels do.
Some people really like pretzels, and I think that's great for them. But as far as I'm concerned, pretzels are nothing more than the stuff that gets in the way of the good stuff when I'm trying to eat Chex Mix.


Kj said...

What about soft pretzels, with their delightful bready texture, large, filling portions and their giant, white, chunky crystals of salt. Do you at least like those? (even though soometimes they're sweaty and rubbery, like the ones you can buy on the ferry for $1.50, but for ferry food, you gotta admit, that's pretty reasonable).

Cabe said...

Soft pretzels are okay in my book. It's those dry, thirst-making ones that I think are way overrated.

Smruti said...

cabe! i totally agree, I HATE pretzels and don't understand why people eat them, I mean they should just eat cardboard...that's all :)

Cabe said...

yep. Cardboard with medium sized grains of salt.