Monday, June 9, 2008

He do the Police in Different Voices

Last night in a book I was reading I came across a long quote from The Crucified God by German theologian Jurgen Moltmann. About half way through the quote I realized that I was reading it, silently to myself, in a thick German accent. I've read him before, and I've seen him speak, both on video and in person, but what happened last night was unprecedented, as well as a little weird and more than a little humorous.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

No Press is Bad Press

Except when I'm doing a Stupid Looking "Dance" on the Cover of a Neighborhood Periodical.

Check out this piece in the Belltown Messenger:

Let the record show that at no point were we acting out the story of Adam and Eve. Though I am flattered that I got to be Adam while David Rice was apparently the serpent. Also note that the really dumb looking picture of us imitating the imitation of Matisse's La Danse is the Messenger's current cover photo. My modeling career is not off to a very flattering start.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer also ran a column yesterday about MHGS, which is less exciting and entertaining, but far more informative and notable in the world of Journalism:


From a CNN article about much needed aid to Burma that the government of Myanmar/Burma will not allow to be delivered:

"There is great sensitivity all over the world to violating a country's sovereignty," Gates said. "Particularly in the absence of some kind of U.N. umbrella that would authorize it."

This is a completely different situation, that would potentially put our military in the position of bringing aid to people who really really need it. And I realize Gates hasn't been around for most of the Bush administration's foreign policy. But did anybody else laugh out loud at the irony?

And maybe shed some tears for those who might have benefited this time from our government's previous lack of respect for national sovereignty and the UN?