Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pictures from Mora

I just posted some new pictures from a recent trip with some friends to the Pacific Coast out on the peninsula. They can be found here:


And here:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for pictures! I was hoping you hadn't closed up shop on your blog. I have my favorites, definitely, but there's something about your work that gets at that unrelenting longing for sweetness that is untouched that is worth as much as the pictures themselves. Some of the first few, with the sunsets and rocks, are so WON-derful. Then there's the chubby robin-- I love that one. I think he's my fav. Something about the eye, and the angle and the light from above. It just gets me right here.

We are loved. All this beautiful everything speaks that so clearly to me.

I looked up the other bird in my bird book-- the one skittering through the leaves... its a winter wren. Isn't that great? I love being a bird nerd sometimes. They nest in tree cavities or among the roots of a fallen tree (see my facebk random- photo album for example of very rooty tree) and line their digs with moss and then lay little white eggs with reddy-brown spots. Sounds like a children's story or something but it's the truth.