Friday, April 20, 2007

"Jesus Camp", Shame and Fundamentalism

I just watched Jesus Camp and one word sticks out for me: shame.

A lot of what was said I would agree with at some level, but for all the shame that was involved. I saw that shame in these children's tears. They internalized all the sin they were told was in them and in the world, and the it seems like it was that burden that caused the intense emotions that expressed itself as tears. They cried because they had been named as evil, and then told that it is their responsibility to tell everyone else they are evil. Shame is naturally evangelistic, and so it's not much of a stretch for these kids to easily become evangelists of this bastardized "gospel" of shame. When a person is consumed with shame, they cannot love, all they can do is shame others.

Speaking of shame, I don't want to vilify the specific people who were portrayed in this movie. Instead, I would like to ask broader questions about what should be taught to children, both in the church and in the home. Or, perhaps more foundationally, how is your theology different than that which was portrayed in the film (or is it?) and why? And what part do you think shame plays in fundamentalism as a whole?

1 comment:

Cabe said...

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